One time on the porch,
There were a thousand people with beer.
I didn’t think people could see me,
I was floating, maybe sinking,
tides shifting with the music.
Waves of flannel, swells of tight jeans,
jutting against my cotton dress
snagging me on rocks.
His eyes were the first thing I noticed,
Dry ice blue that melted in the middle,
He reminded me of Gabrielle,
archangel messenger from God.
Except with an unshaven face,
secondhand clothes unwashed,
just salty from the wind.
We didn’t talk about anything.
Just silly comments
about girls with no underwear,
the boys trying to score.
And the music.
We talked about the music.
If he delivered a message
I only just received it.
Small quakes in my fingers,
as Erica cries in my ear.
I wonder about the night
I tried to die
about the line in the sand.
Things are either here or gone.
I want the world to halt.
The ants to freeze,
the baby elephant at the zoo
to stop playing with his big red ball in the water.
busy streets with people in business suits
power suits, jogging suits, hipster suits
who forget the sky exists,
can’t tell you the north star,
or how to get home
be still.
remember how fragile we are.
We aren’t as indestructible as we think.
Beautiful photo, beautiful poem.