I have been jumpy lately. And butterflies are eating the insides of my ribcage. These old panics are getting real tiresome. I wish I could just know what I was looking for. Know what I wanted to say. I have this terrible desire to be loved by every person I meet. Like it will make up for something I am lacking. So if you see me... I will smile harder than I really want to, and try so hard to make you laugh. Just give me a hug. Tell me monsters aren't real and that I too am able to be loved. I exist in your reality as well as my own. I wish I had Joanna Solfrian's words:
Sometimes a Gray Mood Comes
Sometimes a gray mood comes
an elected valley in the heart
a flock of clouds-
it is then that the woman
walks very far to find warm weather,
a simple horizon with a sea,
a boat, and a shore that is long.
There is a man waiting
with flowers at the bedside.
Sometimes she returns,
sometimes he must go find her.
The sea, the boat, the shore-
these things know where she is-
as does the presence of death in every lily,
which is not the whole of the lily,
but something of it.
Love you, Alyssa! I understand this feeling. It will get better. Oh and you have nothing to worry about because everyone does love you. :)